Min egen låt ;)

Jahapp, då var man inslussad i skolans luciatåg. :) Haha, men det blir nog kul! Om vi bara får ihop tillräckligt med folk. Lite jobbigt dock att öva varje dag efter skolan. Men jag förstår ju varför det behövs. ;) Vi har ju 4 dagar på oss tills Luciafotbollen på fredag liksom. xD

Apropå lucia (?), här kommer en liten jullåt som jag har skrivit. :) Varning för flumm. xD Skrev den för kanske ett år sen ungefär tror jag, när jag spelade gitarr som mest. Fast ackorden tar jag inte med, haha. xD (av rädsla för att de är helt fel) Och en sak till: den är INTE skriven från egna erfarenheter. Men det fattar man nog. ;)

What a wonderful christmas
Text och musik: Jennie Algotsson ( xD )

Vers 1: It's christmas night, and the house has no light.
Except in the bathroom where grandma is senile.
She tries to brush her teeth with a nailfile!

Vers 2: Yeah, the night has blown away,
and the calm house will never stay.
'Cause in the middle of the night
my parents had a fight.
Daddy took a plane,
I guess it was to LA.
He said he'd be a moviestar,
that's why he traveled so far!

Refr: On christmas the air could be warm of joy,
and everything could work out well.
On christmas there could be space for you and me.
And that's how it could be.

Vers 3: My mum is now depressed,
I guess because she is so stressed.
'Cause in the kitchen there's an unready ham,
without any jam.

Vers 4: The tree is not yet dressed,
but has a big hole on it's chest.
'Cause the needles flew away,
and the presents didn't wanted to stay.
It's christmas time
and nothing is alright.
So please listen to me,
and I'll tell you how it could be.

Refr: On christmas the air could be warm of joy,
and everything could work out well.
On christmas there could be space for you and me.
And that's how it could be.

And that's how it could beeee!

Vad tyckte ni? :P Avskyvärd? Bra? Meningslös? Underbar? xD

/ Yen


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